Noren Heat Exchangers from
Pelmar Engineering
Transferring Wasted Heat Into Efficiency
Everyone is looking for ways to be more energy efficient, particularly in an industrial or commercial setting. Noren heat exchangers transfer heat between two or more fluids or gases, without the two materials coming into contact with each other. This conserves energy that might be otherwise be wasted. It can also increase efficiency of engines and machines. Let Pelmar Engineering Ltd. help you find the right product for your application. We are among the leading heat exchanger suppliers in Canada.

Heat Exchanger Applications
Heat exchangers are used in many industries and applications.
Heat Exchangers Utilize
Wasted Resources
Heat exchangers can be customized to fit most any application. Ask our engineers to help you understand how a heat exchanger can fit into your process to increase efficiency. Pelmar Engineering Ltd. works with only the best heat exchanger suppliers, like Noren, to help your business find better ways to operate. Contact us to get more information.